Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Holiday Gifting

Won't my son be surprised when he goes through his stocking this year. Let's see.....what all did I put in there. A bus ticket good for unlimited travel for a year, a map to his brother's house in California, a dopp kit and a bunch of Hotties in case he wants to shovel for me before he heads out.

Seriously, am I the only one who labors over trying to figure out what everybody "wants" for Christmas. And forget the luxury of anybody providing me with a "list" - sheesh, just giving me a list would be their Christmas gift to me alone. As everybody knows in my family, I'm impossible to buy for. I don't need anything and when I do mention wanting something the kids move like greased lightening to get it. I understand their relief. I like things with utility. Things you "use" therefore they don't collect dust. This year I have a Christmas gift honorable mention to share with you. My Andrea sent me the coolest return address stamp. Not some ordinary thing with times new roman print...hell no.....this is artsy, stylistic & a touch groovy. Lord, I cannot tell you how much I love this silly thing. I might even start writing letters, thank you notes and paying my bills via US postal service.

This year I have made great progress at putting my bitterness and cynicism about the holidays behind me. Not once have I heard "ho ho ho" and yelled "and a bottle of rum" back. Not once have I mentioned going to the midnight service at Our Blessed Mary of the Mattress. Not once have I referred to last minute mall shoppers as "single digit IQ people without internet." These are behaviors I am proud of and with years of practice moving forward, I actually have a shot at believing these things while embracing the love, warmth and tradition of Christmas.

So on that note I'll wrap up this posting so I can run Taylor to Target so he can get me a candle for Christmas. And like every year....he'll say "Mom I need help wrapping this thing" and with that I'll know that things are just right and quite normal for us....once again....this holiday season.

Isn't Christmas just filled with Muracles................


  1. Glad to see that you've been able to rein in your cynicism and bitterness this year...with age comes wisdom? Hmmm...I wish mine would show up sometime soon.

    Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas! And also that the winter this year is milder than last so you don't go over the edge.
    ; )

    By the way, is the book you're reading any good?

  2. I watched my mother agonize over the dreaded Christmas card list, year after year. "They sent us one last year, so we'll send them one." Of course, we didn't send them one last year, so they won't send us one this year. That means we won't send them one next year...ad nauseum. Excepting family, of course. They ALWAYS get a Christmas card.

    I don't send ANY Christmas cards to people we see or speak to over the holidays. I don't expect one from them, but they come anyway.

    One niece (now 40) FINALLY gave up sending the dreaded "Christmas Letter" with her cards. Her kids are adorable, but we really don't care who's cutting a tooth and which one is finally potty-trained.

  3. Craig, I'm with you....the thing that puzzles me the most....is that I get cards from people I barely know (my neighbors never talk to me yet I got a card and handwritten note) WTF?
